Meditation for Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal emotion as it can help to safeguard us from dangers. However, when you experience a constant feeling of worry or distress and have difficulty controlling those feelings, then you need to seek help as fast as possible. There are different levels of anxiety that need to be attended to and they have been medically classified into the following;

1.      Generalized Anxiety Disorder, (abbreviated as GAD);

2.      Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (abbreviated as OCD);

3.      Panic Disorder, which includes a morbid fear of panicking;

4.      Social Anxiety, which covers social problems like shyness and all other social aspects.

Meditation for anxiety is practiced by people who have any of the anxiety disorder listed above.  It is known to be one of the best therapies for anxiety if the anxiety is not severe. This article will explore treating anxiety disorders using guided meditation and treating anxiety disorders and panic attacks using muscle relaxation. After reading this article you will fully understand the value of meditation to help with anxiety.

Treating anxiety disorders using guided meditation

Regular meditation can reduce the number of symptoms experienced by patients with a wide range of illnesses and disorders. Anxiety disorders can be treated using guided meditation. The person suffering from anxiety will need to use guided meditation regularly in order for the anxiety to be helped. The best way guided meditation can be used is by following instructions that will help you identify all the negative thoughts that are responsible for your anxiety and then to eliminate them one after the other.

In a guided meditation you will be asked to find a quiet space and sit with your eyes closed. By breathing deeply and focusing on a calm place, like a beach, you can use your minds eye to jot down all the things that are causing you stress. Next, you will be asked to get rid of the stressors one after the other while replacing them with positive affirmations. The instructions are normally accompanied by calm background music that will help you stay focused. If the anxiety is severe then you will need to combine meditation with other forms of treatment like psychotherapy and medical treatment.

Treating anxiety disorders and panic attacks using muscle relaxation

Panic attacks are considered severe forms of anxiety. This means their symptoms and treatments are generally similar. One of the most common meditation treatments for anxiety disorders and panic attacks is the use of muscle relaxation therapy. The psychology behind this is that most anxiety and panic attack tensions reside in the muscles. Once these muscles are identified and the tensions released, the condition will automatically be brought under control.

The best form of muscle relaxation that you can use is progressive muscle relaxation technique. In this technique groups of muscles in the body are identified. They include muscles in the face, neck, shoulders, right arm and left arm, right hand and left hand, chest, abdomen, right thigh and left thigh, calves and right foot and left foot. Once you identify each muscle group you tense the muscle for about 10 seconds. For example, you can tense your toes by fully extending them outward to create tension and then relaxing them. Next, bend the toes up as far as possible to create tension and then relax them again. The tension you add will make your toes so uncomfortable that when you release the tension your toes become more relaxed than the pre-tensed condition.

You must be aware of the sensations of each muscle group after tension. This has the psychological effect of releasing anxiety and panic attacks while making you calm and peaceful. Therapists advise that regular practice is the key to helping your body become used to the feeling of relaxation so the beneficial effects can last. Professionals also advise that in serious cases of anxiety and panic attacks you should seek medical and professional help.

Meditation for anxiety is a popular form of self help that you can use to manage anxiety if your case is not to severe. You can also use guided meditation, mindfulness techniques and muscle relaxation techniques to treat anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Once you follow the above suggestions regularly you can be sure of overcoming your anxiety and panic attacks.

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