The Health Benefits of Positive Thinking

It has been very exciting writing about positive thinking. Even though I have studied and read about the subject I continually learn new things.

For instance, I was very surprised to find that on average a person has about 7500 negative thoughts per day.

Just think for a moment what that means. If every single day of our life we are being overwhelmed with negative thoughts, we are conditioning ourselves to look at the world in a very negative way.

Combining the ideas from The Law of Attraction and from “What the Bleep” it became obvious to me that not only were we seeing the world in a negative way but we are actually creating a negative world that we imprison ourselves in.

I think it is very important to understand that we are the co-creators of our world. That how we think and feel about the world will actually create our world. But I also understand that this idea can be hard to accept. And that the idea of changing negative thinking as a process to creating a better world can be seen as too abstract for any practical or immediate application.

So what I want to do in this article is take the discussion to an area that will be immediately practical in regards to 1) eliminating negative thoughts and 2) employing the power of positive thinking and positive thinking techniques.

What the Mayo Clinic Thinks

According to research done by the Mayo Clinic there are major health benefits to positive thinking.

The following is a quote from an article on the Mayo Clinic website. The full article can be found at

Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Remember, this quote is from an article written on the website of one of the top teaching and research hospitals in the world. These words are from the research of doctors and PhD researchers who are saying that positive thoughts have a beneficial effect on your health. I find that amazing and encouraging.

Here is another line from the article that I think is very interesting.

It’s unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these health benefits.

Just to repeat, they know that positive thinking has a positive effect on your health, but they do not know why that is the case.

However they do have a guess.

One theory is that having a positive outlook enables you to cope better with stressful situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on your body. It’s also thought that positive and optimistic people tend to live healthier lifestyles — they get more physical activity, follow a healthier diet, and don’t smoke or drink alcohol in excess.

The Emoto Effect

Dr. Emoto is a Japanese researcher who has written a number of books on the effects of our words and thoughts. His approach to the process is very unique.

Although it is best to read his books to fully understand his description of his work, I can offer a brief summary.

Dr. Emoto came to the understanding that water has an “energy memory” of what it has come in contact with.

To show this, Dr. Emoto had words taped to bottles of water and let the bottles sit overnight.

Some bottles had the word “love” taped on them. Other bottles had words such as “hate”, “anger”, “gratitude”, “God” etc…

The next day Dr. Emoto froze the bottles of water. He then used a process he perfected to take pictures of the crystals from each of the water samples. Pictures of these crystals can be seen in his books or at this site online.

What Dr. Emoto found was that the crystals from the water that were labeled with the positive words such as “love”, “gratitude”, “God” etc. had well formed and beautiful crystals. While the crystals from the water labeled with the negative words such as “hate”, “anger”, “stupid” etc had distorted and deformed crystals.

He continued the experiments using different methods to transmit the words. One method was simply sending thoughts of the words to the water. Another method was to play different types of music around the water.

The results were the same. Positive words or “positive” music produced well formed and beautiful crystals while the negative produced deformed crystals.

What is the Conclusion?

I believe that Dr. Emoto’s work answers the questions the Mayo clinic had as to why positive thinking helps promote health.

We see that in Dr. Emoto’s experiments, he left the words taped to the water for a very short period of time. And even though the time frame was short he was able to clearly show how the different words affected the water crystals.

We send positive or negative words to the water in the cells of our body 24/7/365 and for decades at a time. If you constantly send negative words and thoughts into your body, then following the logic of the Emoto experiments, we would expect the cells of the body to become malformed. And we can call this malformation by another word – disease.

And if you are a positive thinker, you are constantly sending positive thoughts into your body. These positive thoughts then cause the cells to be well formed and beautiful. And we can call this well formed state – vibrant health.

So now we have two groups of people. One group has for decades sent negative words and thoughts into their bodies and the other group has sent positive words and thoughts into their bodies for the same period of time.

I know which group I want to belong to. Which group do you want to belong to?

PS – If you want to see if you have any blocks to letting go of negative thoughts I suggest contacting me for a no cost evaluation or a money back guaranteed energy clearing and balancing session.


  1. ChrisC June 21, 2011
  2. Janet June 21, 2011

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