15 Quick Tips to Remove Negative Thoughts

Check Out the Two Surprise Bonuses Below the Tips

  • One of the things I found that surprised me was that there are studies that say that negative thoughts have a greater impact on our lives then do positive ones.
  • Create a list of positive thoughts to fall back on when negative thoughts pop in.
  • Be aware that negative thoughts are tenacious. They do not want to give up their hold on your life. When you realize that you are in a negative spiral just stop and smile. Because smiling will kick those negative thoughts out of your mind.
  • Do things that make you happy. Do not give room in your mind for the negative.
  • When you find yourself angry at someone immediately change your point of view to something positive about the person.
  • If you have heard the expression, “You are what you eat”. Well you also are like the people you hang out with. If you hang out with negative people you will simply absorb their negative energy. Work very hard at being with positive people and you will find yourself becoming more positive.
  • Ban all negative words from your vocabulary.
  • You will find that helping others is a great way to help yourself. Helping the less fortunate will make it harder to keep negative thoughts in your mind.
  • Pay attention to the good things in your life. Focus on gratitude.
  • When you are stressed you are more likely to have negative thinking. Be aware of this and immediately change any negative words.
  • Look outside yourself for advice. When you are being attacked with negative thoughts asks friends and family for a little perspective.
  • Use the negative thinking as a way to be aware of what is going on in your life. If you start thinking negative thoughts look at what situations you were in that might have triggered them. If you can identify specific situations then you can either avoid them or be prepared to defend against negativity.
  • Reframe the thoughts you are having. Instead of thinking that “this situation is impossible” work at changing the thoughts to “this situation gives me a lot of challenges to use to grow”.
  • Realize that you are not perfect and that neither is anyone else.
  • Most people say things to themselves that they would never say to anyone else. Treat yourself at least as respectful as you would a stranger.

Surprise Bonus #1

With this bonus you have a powerful meditaion that is designed to give you the tools to remove negative thoughts.

Surprise Bonus #2

Some reports say that the average adult has 7500 negative thoughts per day. What I find really incredible is how hard it is to stop these thoughts.

The tips on this page and the meditation will go a long way in helping with this problem. But if you are like many of my clients you will need more personalized help.

What I am offering is a 60 minute personalized session for the regualr price of a 30 minute session. That is a savings of $75.

To Claim your bonus session just click the link below and in the "Notes" section just type in DISCOUNT SPECIAL.

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